Getting started with NextJs

Getting started with NextJs

Next.js is a framework based on JavaScript for building React web applications and superfast static websites.

In fact, thanks to Automatic Static Optimization, terms of “static” and dynamic” merge into one.

It’s a cool feature because thanks to it, you can build a hybrid application containing both server-rendered and statically generated pages.

It brings Next JS users three main advantages:

  • Rich user experience (easier and faster)
  • Outstanding performance (also easier and faster)
  • Rapid feature development

These things convinced not only the biggest and most popular organizations like Netflix, Uber, or Twitch but also smaller companies that are yet to conquer the digital world. In fact, almost every company can benefit from Next JS; however, sometimes it might be overkill.

This JavaScript-based framework is also considered as one of the fastest-growing React frameworks, which is perfect to work with any static site.